ISL is the latest innovation in the roofing systems incorporating a “No Sealant” policy in its fastening. The realization that the sealants over the years break open leaving capillary gaps that triggers leakages brought about this exciting breakthrough in the industry. Ours has a leg depth of 30mm and an effective coverage of 275mm with mid-ribs to strengthen it even for longer lengths. There is a capillary grove on the legs which prevents leakage by capillary action and also serves as a one-time lock which is difficult to rip off in windstorms.
One peculiar feature that makes the self-lock distinct from the rest is that there is no direct nailing on the roofing sheets thereby giving it an elegant look and leaves one wondering how on earth the fastening was carried out. It is suitable for all residential buildings and is gaining grounds in the commercial and industrial section as well. Estimates are raised based on the specifications of the roof carcassing through site measurements